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Since 2006, our Company has been performing professional installation of geomembranes as impervious screens in Kazakhstan.

The most important feature of geomembranes is also that reliability of the whole structure and its application depends not only on the material properties as such but, above all, on the quality of installation - i.e. the quality of welding of individual geomembrane sheets into a continuous non-filtering screen. Since the impervious screen of any structure is an important building structure, certified specialists shall work on its installation. Our Company has all the necessary international, Russian, and local certificates for certification of specialists in geomembrane welding. 

It should be noted that the quality of material and professional installation in themselves do not guarantee the reliability and efficiency of the finished structure. The determining factor is the validity of the adopted design decisions. It is logical to talk about geomembranes not as a material, but as a technology. For the first time, polymeric materials were used in construction in 1953 at the Huntly facility (Montana, USA) for the installation of an impervious screen for an irrigation reservoir with an area of 1.0 ha. Then it was a 0.4 mm thick polyethylene film. Since that time, the number of projects where polymeric materials were used has been increasing every year in the world, they are named with the general term "geosynthetic materials"  

Among the first projects that used modern geosynthetic materials, namely geomembrane in Kazakhstan was the ash dumpsite of the Sogrinskaya CHP, made by our Company in 2004. For installation of an impervious screen, a SOLMAX geomembrane made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), 1.0 mm thick, manufactured in Canada was used. 

Today, our Company has highly qualified personnel and all the necessary professional DEMTECH equipment made in the USA for high-quality installation of geomembrane as well as its field laboratory, which ensures quality control of seams that meets all international standards.. 

: 646
: 06.04.2022


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