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Drainage mesh

Drainage mesh is a geosynthetic material consisting of a diamond-shaped mesh cellular frame, it can also be presented in a combined form where an outer geotextile layer of non-woven filter cloth is added. drainage composite uses durable materials to provide excellent water permeability to the finished structure, which is highly effective in creating and maintaining a stable drainage system.

Depending on the purpose, tasks, conditions, and requirements of each specific client our Company supplies the drainage geocomposite in two versions: in a finished structure and as separate structural elements without thermal connection. Even if you purchase a drainage composite in separate elements, the work of completing the material on site is quite simple and does not require the involvement of complex equipment or a large number of workers, in addition, you can choose the best option for a filter cloth for creating geodrainage, depending on specific tasks and purposes.

: 468
: 06.04.2022


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